深圳市联硕科技有限公司,产品涵盖 电容、电阻、电感、电池、传感器、继电器、连接器、EMC、防护器件、开关、电位器、存储卡、光学器件等.


网站首页 > 产品中心 > PANSONIC > 连接器


    窄长(宽3.15mm)・低高度设计 Slim (width: 3.15 mm, including the lever) and low profile design (height: 0.9 mm) 采用上下双接点构造提高了产品设计自由度 Mechanical design freedom is achieved with double top and bottom contacts 考虑到减少生产线的工时,锁盖以打开状态出货 Man-hours of assembly time can be reduced by delivering the connectors with their levers opened. 连接器底部可自由布线 Wiring patterns can be placed underneath the connector. 采用了可以有效防止焊锡时爬锡的露Ni处理结构 Ni barrier helps resist solder creepage.

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